Out of the Shadows: Experiences of Contract Academic Staff

In observation of CAUT’s Fair Employment Week, a week dedicating to the stories of contract academic instructors and the unique challenges we face, we are circulating a 2018 report that presents findings from a national survey of contract academic teaching staff at Canadian post-secondary institutions.

Find the Report here:

Out of the Shadows

Election Results, 2020 AGM

At our 2020 AGM, elections were held for the positions of President, Recording-Secretary, News and Communications Officer, five Members at Large, and one Trustee position. (Under our revised Bylaws (PDF), the positions of Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer stand for election in alternate years.)

The results are:

President — William Buschert (by acclamation)

Recording-Secretary — Eleni Arvanitis-Zorbas (by acclamation)

News and Communications Officer: Jeffrey Klassen

Members at Large (all by acclamation):

Patrick Bulas
William Gulka
Jacob Semko
Eleanor Shia
Barbara Mills Wotherspoon

Trustee: Yliana Baron Gavidia

Elections were also held for the following positions:

Good and Welfare Committee: Meredith Burles (by acclamation)

Occupational Health Committee Representative: Patrick Bulas (by acclamation)


Congratulations to all of those elected — especially those who will be serving the Union for the first time and/or in a new role. Our deepest thanks to Rhonda Anderson for her many years of service to the Union, Bill Rafoss for his many years of active participation in the life of the Union and his seven years of service on the OHC, and, perhaps most especially, to Gail Osachoff for her role in founding our Local more than thirty years ago and her many years of service as Newsletter Editor and News and Communications Officer.