CUPE Local 3287 Bylaws
- CUPE Local 3287 Bylaws (2023) [PDF, 415 kb.]
Web Resources
- CUPE National (our umbrella organization)
- University of Saskatchewan (our employer)
- University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association (USFA)
- Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (ASPA)
- Saint Thomas More Faculty Union (including STM Sessional Lecturers)
Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning
The Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning provides free support to sessionals that is focused on course design, instruction, and assessment. You can access the following:
- Register for a workshop.
- Learn to use teaching technologies like Canvas (the learning management system) or Poll Everywhere (for formative assessment).
- Complete a Certificate in University Teaching and Learning to add to your resume or teaching portfolio.
- Learn what is required by policy and get help designing a syllabus based on USask’s Syllabus template or using the syllabus generator within Canvas.
- Overview for new instructors at USask:
- Find common how to teach tips by searching Educatus.
- Review the teaching website by navigating through the top headers for information and resources related to teaching at USask.
- Set up a one-to-one consultation based on your teaching needs by emailing us!
- Get support from the library
- Library services for sessionals
Financial Statements / Reports
Are available in the Union office (McLean Hall 35) for inspection by members.
Union Forms
- CUPE Expense Voucher [MS Word]
- CUPE Expense Voucher [PDF]